3 min readJul 8, 2021

Investing Title I Funds to Help Students Achieve Success

After a year of massive disruptions to our children’s education, schools are feeling the pressure to reach math and reading proficiency levels on state achievement tests and academic goals. Achieving both of these goals are, of course, tied to federal funds.

Public schools receive federal funding from their Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) based on the number of students from low-income households that attend schools in the district. Title I is Congress’s attempt to provide all children with the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education and close the achievement gap.

Title I is the largest program supporting elementary and secondary education in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Act, which was signed into law in December of 2015, requires states to get input from parents and families as they create state plans. Under ESSA, states have a bigger role in holding schools accountable.

Each state is required to provide assurance through their state plan that they have adopted challenging academic content standards that are aligned with academic achievement standards. The academic achievement standards must have at least three levels of achievement — determined by the state — and align with the challenging state academic standards with entrance requirements for coursework in the state public higher education system and relevant state career and technical education standards.

XtraMath developed a program that meets Title I requirements for at-risk students. Our program can turn struggle into success by building confidence and helping to close the achievement gap in math.
We believe the next phase in learning is through online applications, and our math fact fluency program creates a strong math foundation. Our program is designed so teachers can easily implement it into their curriculum, and students and parents can quickly begin to see progress.

XtraMath’s program can deliver on the promise of helping every student achieve a measure of success and sets the groundwork for learning.

Here are some examples of how Title I funding can be used:
• Technology-enhanced resources or in-home lessons to engage students from a distance
• Activities designed to increase access and prepare students for coursework
• Effective telecommuting strategies to support parent and family engagement
• Online professional development for staff to support the needs of at-risk students
• Online or distance learning plan and platforms
• Purchases for training staff on the distance learning platform and use of the platform
• Training on best practices for delivering online coursework
• Purchase of equipment, materials, and training needed to support students with the

Title I gives all children the opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, high-quality education, including effective, supplemental instruction for eligible students, professional development for their teachers, and parent and family engagement activities. Under ESSA, Title I services now include mentoring, STEM, and one-on-one tutoring. These services can be provided individually or in combination.

XtraMath’s premium program includes XtraSTEM, which is quickly becoming an essential element of curriculums. Invest in your school, your teachers, and your students. Invest your Title I funds in XtraMath and deliver on the promise of helping every student achieve success.


Written by XtraMath

XtraMath® is a nonprofit organization dedicated to math achievement for all.

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